7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

Jerry Gillies, author of the best-selling book that sold a whopping 2 million copies, shares 7 secrets to achieving writing success. In this article, Gillies emphasizes the importance of belief in one’s own valuable ideas and the dedication needed to bring those ideas to life. He encourages writers to surround themselves with supportive friends, particularly successful authors who can provide the necessary encouragement and praise. Drawing from his personal experiences meeting successful authors at various conferences and associations, Gillies showcases the inspiring success story of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the authors of the immensely popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Ultimately, Gillies reminds aspiring writers to be willing to adapt and persist in the face of rejection, understanding that true success may take time to achieve.

Table of Contents

1. Belief in having something valuable to say

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

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1.1 Importance of belief

Believing in yourself and having confidence in your message is crucial when it comes to writing a best-selling book. It is the foundation on which you will build your entire writing journey. When you truly believe that you have something valuable to say, it will shine through in your words and captivate your readers. Your belief will fuel your passion and creativity, pushing you to give your best in every paragraph, chapter, and page. Without this belief, it can be difficult to find the motivation and drive to see your book through to completion.

1.2 Dedication to writing

Once you have established a strong belief in your message, the next step is to dedicate yourself to the writing process. Writing a best-selling book requires discipline, perseverance, and a commitment to honing your craft. Set aside dedicated time each day to write, regardless of whether you feel inspired or not. Treat writing like a job and show up consistently, putting in the effort even when it feels challenging.

Writing regularly will not only help you improve your skills but also keep the momentum going, preventing procrastination and self-doubt from derailing your progress. Remember, the more you write, the closer you get to completing your book and sharing your valuable message with the world.

2. Surrounding oneself with supportive friends

2.1 Importance of supportive friends

Having a support system of friends who believe in you and your writing can make a world of difference in your journey to becoming a best-selling author. Supportive friends understand the challenges and setbacks that come with pursuing a writing career and can provide the encouragement and motivation you need when self-doubt creeps in. They are there to cheer you on, offer constructive feedback, and remind you of your worth as a writer.

Surrounding yourself with friends who believe in your talent can help boost your confidence and keep you motivated, especially during times when you face rejection or encounter roadblocks. They can provide a fresh perspective on your work, offering valuable insights and suggestions that can enhance your writing.

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2.2 Encouragement and praise from successful authors

In addition to supportive friends, seeking encouragement and praise from successful authors can be incredibly inspiring and motivating. Attending conferences and joining writing associations can provide opportunities to meet and connect with accomplished authors who have faced similar challenges and achieved success. Engaging in conversations with these authors allows you to learn from their experiences and gain valuable advice.

Successful authors have often been through the ups and downs of the writing journey and can offer reassurance, guidance, and inspiration. Their praise and recognition of your work can reinforce your belief in yourself and your writing abilities. Their support can also lend credibility to your work, which can be valuable when it comes to marketing and promoting your book.

3. Meeting successful authors at conferences and associations

3.1 Experiences of meeting successful authors

Attending conferences and joining writing associations can provide incredible networking opportunities, including the chance to meet successful authors. These events bring together writers from various genres and stages of their careers, creating an environment conducive to learning, sharing, and making connections.

Meeting successful authors can be a transformative experience. It allows you to witness firsthand that success as an author is attainable and not just a distant dream. Interacting with experienced authors can provide insights into their writing process, their approach to marketing and promotion, and the challenges they faced along the way. These firsthand accounts of the writing journey can inspire you, motivate you, and give you a renewed sense of determination to pursue your own writing goals.

The connections made at conferences and writing associations can also lead to valuable mentorship opportunities. Having a mentor who has already achieved success in the publishing industry can provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate the writing process and strive to reach your own goals.

4. Insights from the success story of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

4.1 Overview of Chicken Soup for the Soul series

An exemplary success story in the world of writing is that of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the authors of the immensely popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. With over 250 titles in the series and more than 500 million copies sold worldwide, their books have become a staple on best-seller lists. The series covers diverse topics and features heartwarming stories that resonate with readers of all ages.

The success of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the relatable and inspirational nature of the stories, the effective marketing strategies employed, and the authors’ unwavering dedication to their craft.

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

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4.2 Lessons learned from their success

One of the key lessons writers can learn from the success of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen is the power of perseverance and persistence. They faced numerous rejections before finally finding a publisher who believed in their vision. Instead of giving up, they adapted their approach, revising and improving their manuscript until they found success.

Their success also emphasizes the importance of identifying a target audience and understanding what resonates with them. Canfield and Hansen tapped into the universal human experience, crafting stories that touched the hearts of readers around the world. By choosing themes that appealed to a wide range of people, they were able to create a loyal and dedicated fan base.

Additionally, their success story underscores the significance of effective marketing and promotion. Canfield and Hansen actively sought media exposure, engaged in speaking engagements, and utilized grassroots marketing techniques to spread the word about their books. They embraced the power of word-of-mouth marketing and leveraged endorsements and positive reviews to further enhance their reputation and reach.

5. Being willing to adapt and persist in the face of rejection

5.1 Embracing adaptability

Rejection is an inevitable part of the writing journey, and it is essential to approach it with resilience and adaptability. When faced with rejection, it’s important to remember that it’s not a reflection of your worth as a writer or the value of your message. Instead, view rejection as an opportunity to grow and improve.

Adapting your approach based on feedback received from publishers, literary agents, or beta readers can significantly increase your chances of success. Take the critiques constructively, identify areas for improvement, and revise your work accordingly. Embracing adaptability allows you to refine your writing and make it more appealing to your target audience.

5.2 Overcoming rejection with persistence

Persistence is key when facing rejection in the writing world. It may take multiple submissions, revisions, or even changes in your approach before finding the right fit for your manuscript. Successful authors often recount numerous rejection letters they received before finally securing a publishing deal.

It’s crucial to remember that every rejection brings you one step closer to acceptance. Keep submitting your work, find support in your writing community, and stay committed to your writing goals. With perseverance, the right opportunity will come along, and your hard work will pay off.

6. Strategies for effective book marketing

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

6.1 Importance of marketing

Writing a best-selling book is only the first step on the path to success. Effective book marketing is crucial in ensuring that your work reaches its target audience and stands out among the vast sea of publications. Marketing helps create awareness, generates interest, and drives sales.

6.2 Identifying target audience

Understanding your target audience is essential for developing effective marketing strategies. Identify who your book is aimed at and tailor your marketing efforts to reach that specific audience. Conduct market research, analyze reader demographics, and consider the interests and preferences of your target readers.

6.3 Building an author platform

Building an author platform is an integral part of book marketing. An author platform encompasses your online presence, including your website, blog, social media profiles, and email list. It serves as a hub where readers can discover more about you and your work. Invest time in creating a professional website, regularly engage with your audience through blog posts and social media content, and build an email list to stay connected with your readers.

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

6.4 Utilizing social media

Social media platforms provide a powerful tool for connecting with readers and promoting your book. Identify the social media platforms most commonly used by your target audience and focus your efforts on those platforms. Engage with your followers, share valuable content, and create buzz around your book by offering sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exclusive content.

7. Crafting a compelling and engaging book

7.1 Developing a unique and captivating story

Crafting a best-selling book starts with developing a unique and captivating story. Your story should have an intriguing premise, compelling characters, and an engaging narrative that keeps readers hooked from the beginning to the end.

Put time and effort into brainstorming and outlining your story, ensuring that it has a distinct voice and a fresh perspective. Consider incorporating elements that surprise and delight your readers, offering an experience that they haven’t encountered before.

7.2 Creating relatable and memorable characters

Well-developed characters are crucial to creating a book that resonates with readers. Your characters should feel real, relatable, and three-dimensional. Give them flaws, conflicts, and desires that readers can connect with on an emotional level. Dive deep into their motivations, dreams, and fears, allowing readers to form a strong attachment to them.

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies

7.3 Structuring the book for maximum impact

The structure of your book plays a vital role in its overall impact. Consider the pacing, the order of events, and the use of cliffhangers and plot twists to keep readers engaged. Create chapters and sections that flow seamlessly, building towards a satisfying climax. Experiment with different structures and techniques to find the one that best serves your story.

7.4 Incorporating powerful themes and messages

A strong theme or message can elevate your book from being merely entertaining to being thought-provoking and impactful. Consider the underlying themes and messages you want to convey through your story and weave them subtly throughout the narrative. Whether it’s a reflection on societal issues, a call for empathy, or an exploration of personal growth, ensure that your themes are integrated organically and resonate with your target audience.

7.5 Enhancing the writing style and language

The way you write and the language you use can greatly influence the reading experience. Strive for clarity, precision, and evocative language that transports the reader into your story. Be mindful of pacing, sentence structure, and the use of literary devices to create moments of poignancy, humor, or suspense. Edit and revise your work thoroughly to ensure that the writing is polished and free of errors.

8. Navigating the publishing and distribution process

8.1 Understanding different publishing options

Understanding the different publishing options available is crucial when navigating the publishing process. Traditional publishing involves finding an agent and securing a deal with a publishing house, whereas self-publishing allows authors to retain creative control and publish their work independently. Explore the pros and cons of each option, considering factors such as time, cost, and the level of control you desire over your book.

8.2 Researching and selecting the right publisher

If you decide to pursue traditional publishing, researching and selecting the right publisher is essential. Look for publishers that specialize in your genre and have a track record of success in launching similar books. Consider the reputation, distribution channels, and marketing support offered by each publisher.

8.3 Negotiating book deals

Negotiating book deals is an important step in the publishing process. Seek professional advice or consult with a literary agent who can help you navigate the complexities of contract negotiations. Understand the terms and conditions, royalty rates, and rights being offered to ensure that they align with your goals as an author.

8.4 Leveraging distribution channels

Once your book is published, leveraging distribution channels is crucial in reaching a wide audience. Work closely with your publisher or explore self-publishing platforms to ensure that your book is available in both physical and digital formats. Maximize your book’s visibility on online platforms, ensure it is stocked in brick-and-mortar bookstores, and consider pursuing foreign rights or translations to expand your reach.

9. Building a dedicated reader base and cultivating loyal fans

9.1 Importance of reader engagement

Building a dedicated reader base is essential for sustaining success as an author. Engage with your readers through various channels, including social media, blog posts, newsletters, and events. Show genuine interest in their thoughts and feedback, and respond promptly and appreciatively. Cultivating reader engagement helps foster a sense of community and loyalty around your work.

9.2 Connecting with readers through signings and events

In-person events such as book signings, author talks, and literary festivals provide valuable opportunities to connect with readers on a deeper level. Attend local or regional events related to your genre and actively participate in discussions, panels, and workshops. By personally engaging with readers, you can forge lasting connections and turn casual readers into dedicated fans.

9.3 Harnessing the power of online communities and book clubs

Online communities and book clubs offer platforms for connecting with readers who share similar interests. Participate in discussions, offer insights, and share valuable content related to your book or writing process. By actively engaging in these communities, you can create buzz around your work and attract new readers who are likely to be interested in your genre and writing style.

10. Leveraging endorsements and positive reviews

10.1 Benefits of endorsements

Endorsements from well-known authors, influencers, or industry experts can significantly boost your book’s credibility and visibility. Seek endorsements from individuals who have a strong presence in your genre and whose values align with your message. Endorsements help generate interest, attract potential readers, and increase the likelihood of positive reviews.

10.2 Techniques for obtaining endorsements

When seeking endorsements, approach individuals who are likely to resonate with your book and its themes. Personalize your request, highlighting why you believe their endorsement would be beneficial. Offer to provide a free copy of your book and express your gratitude for their time and support.

10.3 Managing and utilizing positive reviews

Positive reviews are invaluable in creating buzz and attracting new readers. Monitor and manage reviews on various platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, and social media. Respond to reviews, both positive and negative, with grace and gratitude. Utilize positive reviews in your marketing efforts, featuring them on your website, social media profiles, and promotional materials.

In conclusion, writing a best-selling book requires a combination of belief in your message, dedication to your craft, and the support of a strong network. By surrounding yourself with supportive friends, learning from successful authors, and embracing adaptability and persistence, you can increase your chances of success. Effective book marketing, crafting a compelling story, navigating the publishing process, and building a dedicated reader base are all crucial components of becoming a best-selling author. With the right mindset and a commitment to continuous growth and improvement, you can turn your writing dreams into reality.

7 secrets to writing a best-selling book that sold 2 million copies